Speak Out: Speak Out 9/18/17

Posted by David Schaefer on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:44 AM:

Trump value

Some hard core, ideological conservatives who bet the farm on Donald Trump may be in for a most rude but well deserved awakening.

Charter column

The recently reprinted column from the Wall Street Journal (surprise, surprise) was a gushing, sycophantic paean to taxpayer-funded charter schools. The real truth about them can be gleaned from Diane Ravitch, one-time undersecretary of Education for President Reagan. Ravitch once praised charter schools, often ravishingly. She is now a leading critic of them for a variety of reasons. Google her name and become enlightened.

Gas price

Here's a Harvey story that won't get reported. After a couple of days of gas panic, gasoline prices in Texas over Labor Day weekend were CHEAPER than gasoline prices in Cape, where prices were above state average and their neighbors. Go figure!

Had fun at the fair

The fair was incredibly fun again. My favorite food was the meat on a stick. And the King Taters. And lemonade. And cold beer. Not all at the same time. Someone gave me tickets to Crowder, and he was great. Thank you Cape Girardeau and everyone who puts the fair on.

Free tests

Just heard that our public schools (Jackson) is now paying (actually we taxpayers) are paying for ACT tests. Schools claims they need more money? We are already feeding breakfast and lunch maybe even dinner some places. What will be next: pay for gas in the students vehicles? Parents need to take more pride in raising kids. Some parents need to sacrifice the alcohol and cigarettes and pay for their kids' ACT test or maybe even cook their kid a breakfast. Then at Graduation that kid can say thanks to their parents not to the taxpayers for their education .

Feature missed info

The story on the demo derby was nice, I get the idea of it but it stated that he got 2nd and that's all. Not one word on who won it. That's not fair to the winner and his sponsors and all his helpers and all their hard work. Who got 3rd or 4th and so on that's not fair to them either. Like I said the story was nice but if you are reporting on a venue at the fair it should be about that venue and report on the whole story not just 2nd place.

Restroom needed

No new business should open without a public restroom. We have a lot of sick people and older people in the world. If you serve the public then have restroom.

Weather forecast

Over the past five days the hurricane Irma was being watched by weathermen and the direction it will take was unknown. With all the sophisticated equipment and money spent on weather prediction they just don't know. It appears that sports announcers and weathermen are 100 percent accurate on what happened yesterday but don't know what will happen tomorrow.

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  • *

    OPPPPS didn't see that Rick had already started this thread.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:47 AM

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