Speak Out: Don't feed the animals?!?

Posted by riregrist on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 4:10 PM:

Another example of the republicans version of compassion. I'm starting to detect a trend with these guys. I thought Gov. Sandford was corrupt and needed to be impeached for using taxpayer money to fly to another country for an affair. Now I know S.C. didn't impeach him because of this guy:


Replies (12)

  • What this article forgot to mention is that later on Bauer also attributed this bit of American folkiness to his grandmother, "if you don't want gremlins, then keep your Gizmo dry".

    That is good advice no matter how you cut it.

    -- Posted by Lumpy on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 5:16 PM
  • Riregrist,

    How is it compassion to force everyone who works for a living to pay for those who simply want nothing more than to sit on their rumps and do nothing but party and have more kids, that we pay for, so they can have a raise?

    I remember many years ago reading an article about a young black woman who was killed in East St. Louis, police believed it may have been a serial killer, who had 8 or 9 kids, was living on public assistance and prostituting herself at night for crack, and was still less than 30. Compassion would have been to take her children away and put them in an environment to help them and put her in a treatment program and then help her get an education or viable skills, not facilitating a continuing downward spiral by throwing more money her way.

    I imagine from your comment though that your solution is exactly that, throw more money at her and hope it's enough for her to figure out on her own how to be a responsible person; because deep down inside she is a good person and just misunderstood by those evil, non-politically correct conservatives who are demanding she shape up and take care of herself and her family and in lieu of that leaving her to fend for herself while putting her kids in families that will love and care for them. Oh my, Republicans/Conservatives are so heartless. Well if it bothers you so much, go ahead and hand over all of your paycheck, let them move in with you, and I can keep what I worked for and can go on about my daily activities. Otherwise, provide a solution that will work for everybody.

    -- Posted by non-biasedphilosopher on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 9:31 PM
  • Biasedphilosopher, I couldn't help but notice that you seem to believe that everyone on welfare is a crack addict with numerous children. The point of this thread is not to debate the worthiness of people on welfare. It's about an elected politican refering to those that are on the bottom-rung of our society economically as animals that should be starved so they will eventually die out through a lack of offspring. He speaks about them as if they have no humanity. Apparently, you hold similar views about poor people.

    -- Posted by riregrist on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 10:05 PM
  • Rire, I'm an independent and think I will pack up and move so I can vote against this guy.

    -- Posted by Old John on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 10:14 PM
  • Paragraph 2 kind of says it all... cannot impeach the governor because the lieutenant governor would be worse.

    Kind of reminds you of the situation in the current White House doesn't it. Impeach Obama and look what we would wind up with. :-)

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 10:37 PM
  • I pass on this one. Think tomorrow I'll go down and sign up for food stamps and section 8 housing. I know what the answer is going to be as they impolitely pitch me out of the welfare office. I don't qualify. Oh heck! Tain't fair!

    -- Posted by voyager on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 11:49 PM
  • I always heard the old timers in the country tell the parable a different way. They said if you continue to feed a stray cat that comes to your door everyday, then the stray will never learn to hunt his own mice in the barn.

    To me it meant that if one continues to provide free stuff to people, then they will never learn to provide for themselves.

    -- Posted by Thought Criminal on Thu, Jan 28, 2010, at 12:32 AM
  • What do you expect from people who kept putting Strom Thurman in Office.

    -- Posted by looneyleona on Thu, Jan 28, 2010, at 4:14 AM
  • Don't forget John C. Calhoun, looney.

    -- Posted by voyager on Thu, Jan 28, 2010, at 3:10 PM
  • Riregrist,

    The emperor called, he said you can keep his new clothes that they look great on you.

    As it happens, I couldn't help but notice that you either don't read the entirety of the written document or you just can't comprehend a differing viewpoint. Either way the result is the same, you attack the messenger in order to skew the message as something evil so as to bolster your own view and thus amplify your own sense of self worth.

    "...you seem to believe that everyone on welfare is a crack addict with numerous children."

    -- Posted by riregrist on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 10:05 PM

    "Another example of the republicans version of compassion."

    Posted by riregrist on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 4:10 PM:

    "It's about an elected politican refering to those that are on the bottom-rung of our society economically as animals that should be starved so they will eventually die out through a lack of offspring."

    -- Posted by riregrist on Wed, Jan 27, 2010, at 10:05 PM

    That is not at all what he presented. He states, quite clearly, the idea that, as with the rest of the animal kingdom, animals will consume all that is freely given to them and that without the natural limit of acquiring their own resources will breed exponentially to an unsustainable quantity. Perhaps you were absent when your high school Biology teacher explained how we are in fact members of the animal kingdom.

    Since your post starting this thread is actually addressing the difference in Democrat and Republican ideology of compassion and my corresponding post was to clarify the conservative aspect, which you fail to understand yet, perhaps a hypothetical anecdote that postulates my perception of the differences between those 2 parties is called for.

    Let's say that a group of Democrats stumble upon a tribe of people who are dying from dehydration, they would immediately set about correcting this catastrophe by petitioning Congress for a tax increase in order to raise money to buy millions of bottles of water and pay to ship them to the dehydrated people. Now they are no longer dehydrated, at least for awhile, but they have vastly more than they needed. The group of Democrats then stand around patting each other on the back congratulating themselves on what a good deed they have done.

    Similarly a group of Republicans stumble upon a tribe of dehydrated people but instead show them how to dig a well. Then they introduce them to lemons and explain how combining lemons with sugar, that the Republicans will sell to them, makes a nice drink that neighboring tribes may be willing to purchase. The group of Republicans then hash out a trade agreement with tribe for a stake in their new enterprise and bring in some bottling equipment for the well, as capital investment. Before long the tribe is trading bottles of lemonade for other items, buying more equipment from the Republicans to expand the business, and prospering.

    It isn't long before the Democrats notice that their tribe isn't doing as well as the Republican's tribe so off they go to the government again to complain about how it so unfair that the Republicans are getting rich by exploiting the people of that tribe and that therefore they should be taxed on all profits that they make from that lemonade business and that some of the tax money should go to their tribe to provide them with a better quality of life. ...and on and on it continues.

    -- Posted by non-biasedphilosopher on Fri, Jan 29, 2010, at 3:41 PM
  • There you go again, non-bias, choking pore ole rire on his/her/its own words.

    -- Posted by voyager on Fri, Jan 29, 2010, at 5:49 PM
  • if you really want to help the poor, don't give them welfare. I have heard the arguement a hundred times over that we need illegal immigrants in our country because they do jobs that Americans won't do. Well, why would Americans do the job if they can sit on their butts and collect our tax dollars for free.??? If we got rid of welfare, people would work those jobs and many more. Churches and compassionate people will help those in times of need. But our society as a whole would grow stronger if we weaned them off of welfare. We have made it to where people don't get married because they need their welfare checks. Teens get pregnant so they can have a free ride in college because otherwise they have no way to pay for school being held under their parents income for FAFSA. Our system doesn't work and we are buring through our tax dollars like there is no tomorrow. And with Obama care we will have a new welfare system governing our health. Our parents saw working at McDonalds as an opportunity, kids today don't.

    -- Posted by Skeptic1 on Fri, Jan 29, 2010, at 10:06 PM

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